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259. Root Causes of Chronic Absenteeism with Amber Humm Patnode

Amber Humm Patnode has spent over a decade researching the root causes of chronic absenteeism and how to address them effectively. She joins us today to explain what the data shows.

Amber is the Acting Director of the Proving Ground program, part of Harvard University’s Center for Education Policy Research. She helps school districts assess the data they have related to chronic absenteeism, analyze it, and come up with timely solutions.

In today’s episode, we talk about the three main categories of root causes– physical, aversion, and disengagement– and what educators can do about them.

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We unbox:

  • The physical barriers leading to absenteeism: illness, transportation, suspensions, etc.

  • The “aversion” reasons for absenteeism: perception of safety, social-emotion difficulties. etc.

  • The “disengagement” root cause of absenteeism: When students or families don’t see how attendance is going to help students reach their goals.


Produced by NOVA Media


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