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Metro Middle School Minecraft Mathematics

Minecraft Mathematics is a summer enrichment program offered by The PAST Foundation at Metro Early College High School. This program will be offered Monday through Friday the week of July 14th through the 18th and is open to 7th and 8th graders. The session will run from 9AM-4PM. This program will be limited to the first 30 students that sign up.

For those not familiar with Minecraft, it is a video game about breaking and placing blocks to build structures.  Players can work together to create wonderful, imaginative worlds.  We believe that the skills that are developed by playing Minecraft help students develop creativity and problem solving skills while collaborating with their friends and learning math concepts at the same time!  For more information, you can visit or Google “Minecraft.”

In this summer program, students will spend a week exploring various mathematical concepts as they engage in playing the game Minecraft.  Students will learn how to apply algebraic and geometric concepts to analyze their unique creations. They will develop a sense of how mathematical concepts are connected and will develop skills to describe something within the game.

Students will learn many critical skills in this program.  They will develop an understanding of basic physics concepts such as circuits.  They will gain knowledge of how coordinate planes can help describe positional locations, and they will even learn about scale and perspective as presented through the context of history and humanity.

The instructional delivery system this program utilizes is the design cycle steps of brainstorm, design, build, evaluate, modify, and share.  This teaches students critical life skills in how to solve a problem and work collaboratively.

In addition to mathematics, this program includes elements to help students in developing their literacy skills.  Students will be creating detailed procedures for replicating their structures and sharing them with others.

The cost for this week-long camp is $250 per student which includes the Minecraft program on PC/Mac and access to the host server.

Students will receive a 1 hour break each day from 12pm-1pm. Lunch will not be provided so please plan accordingly.


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