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184. Unlocking Essential Skills with Fab Labs: A Deep Dive with Michael Stone
Join us to learn more about the importance of tracking data to refine educational models and make more informed choices.

Learning Unboxed: Hacking School, part 1
By Annalies Corbin, PAST Foundation The disruption in education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light many long-standing...

74 | Cultivating Creative & Civic Capacities | with Jennifer Lehe, Jason Blair, & Britanie
Today we’re talking to three guests who are involved with the Cultivating Creative & Civic Capacities project, “a 3-year...

70 | Empowering Social Change | with Adam Morris
It was asking himself that question—how can I make an impact?—that led Adam Morris to his current career as a social impact coach who is...

060 | Solving Real-Life Problems with Underwater Robots: The MATE ROV Competition | with Jill Zande
The MATE ROV program is one of the most wonderfully unique, engaging, and fun expressions of STEM education that a student can...

051 | How Universities Can Better Engage K-12 Students Through Community Outreach | with Jamie Shuda
Today we’re talking about a critical piece of the educational landscape that we haven’t really touched on in previous episodes: how...

050 | BoSTEM: How Communities Can Collaborate to Create High-Quality STEM Learning Opportunities | w
BoSTEM is, as the name suggests, a collaborative effort throughout the City of Boston that aims to ensure that every middle-school...
037 | Preparing for the Next Industrial Revolution, Additive Manufacturing | with Ian Stroop &
Mike, a teacher with Gahanna Jefferson Schools and Ian Stroop an OSU Freshman and former graduate of the Additive Manufacturing Summer...
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