184. Unlocking Essential Skills with Fab Labs: A Deep Dive with Michael Stone
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184. Unlocking Essential Skills with Fab Labs: A Deep Dive with Michael Stone
Learning Unboxed: Hacking School, part 1
74 | Cultivating Creative & Civic Capacities | with Jennifer Lehe, Jason Blair, & Britanie
70 | Empowering Social Change | with Adam Morris
060 | Solving Real-Life Problems with Underwater Robots: The MATE ROV Competition | with Jill Zande
051 | How Universities Can Better Engage K-12 Students Through Community Outreach | with Jamie Shuda
050 | BoSTEM: How Communities Can Collaborate to Create High-Quality STEM Learning Opportunities | w
037 | Preparing for the Next Industrial Revolution, Additive Manufacturing | with Ian Stroop &