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Announcing the PAST-Embold Lean 6 Sigma Fellowship 2021-2022


Media Contacts: Lori Trent, PAST Foundation -

January 26, 2022

Announcing the PAST-Embold Lean 6 Sigma Fellowship 2021-2022

The PAST Foundation is pleased to announce the PAST-Embold Lean 6 Sigma Fellowship program. This is a professional educator fellowship designed to provide the opportunity for development at different career stages in specific workforce areas important to the future of Ohio. The fellowship is intended to offer the individual the opportunity to learn and grow with a cohort of like-minded individuals as they develop the skill and knowledge to effectively implement the industry credentials affiliated with Lean 6 Sigma Project Management processes. The Ohio Legislature has graciously funded the PAST Foundation to implement this fellowship to enable the candidate to pursue creative ways to implement industry recognized credentials for students in grades 7-12. These implementation strategies can be formal (classroom based) or informal (summer, afterschool, clubs…).

In partnership with Embold, the PAST-Embold Lean 6 Sigma Fellow will receive the curriculum and training to prepare them for the Yellow belt certification. Additionally, they can earn the Green belt certification recognized by the State of Ohio, receive coaching and mentorship, collaborative opportunities for creative social enterprise, a tablet to use in carrying out project management processes and a stipend to implement a student experience using Lean 6 Sigma methodologies as a way to build student interest in the attainment of the credential.

The PAST Foundation and Embold are committed to supporting emerging or established leaders in their socially impactful work as public servants, founders, advocates, and creative artists in the design and delivery of STEM experiences for students.

The following districts have candidates that have successfully registered as the first cohort of PAST-Embold Lean 6 Sigma Fellows:

Chillicothe City Schools

Cleveland Metropolitan School District

Cleveland Metropolitan school District

Columbus City Schools

East Cleveland City Schools

Lancaster City Schools

Metro Early College High School

Perrysburg Schools

Zanesville City Schools

About Embold

Embold Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Shelby, Ohio. Our business model appears very similar to any profit-maximizing business, however, the underlying objective of Embold is to create social benefits. Comparative to any for-profit business, we provide products/services for a profit, but the surplus generated is then utilized to meet social needs. Embold is cause-driven rather than profit-driven, with the hope of being a change agent for the world.

Discover more at

About PAST Foundation:

For over 20 years, PAST, a non-profit organization, has been a leader in designing STEM education across the nation, bringing problem-based learning to educators and experiential programs to students. Recently, PAST’s Innovation Lab was named as a promising example to Re-imagine High School as featured in Forbes. PAST has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education for its Excellence in Innovation in the STEM 2026 vision report. PAST was the only educational entity in Ohio to be included in this publication.

PAST was also recognized in 2014, by CGI America and former President Bill Clinton for their outstanding work, and again in 2015 for their achievements in improving STEM education in rural America. In 2015, the PAST Innovation Lab was recognized by the White House Summit on High School Design.

For more information on PAST Foundation and how you can link learning to life, visit our website or contact Lori Trent at .


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