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121. Bringing Education Outdoors with Jessa Goldner
Elementary school students in the United States don’t typically focus much on science, but sparking that interest early can be a great...

119. Combining Education & Entrepreneurial Skills for Success with Nik Kafka
What happens when social enterprise meets education and opportunity? A whole lot of good. Nik Kafka is the Chief Executive and Founder of...

118. How Apprenticeship Plays a Role in the Future of Education with Rebecca DeMatteis & BJ Knu
Apprenticeship is a classic mode of education that we have yet to tap into the full potential of in modern times. But there are...

117. Building Out the School to STEM Pipeline with Frederic Bertley of COSI
How can we effectively, as a community, create STEM pipelines for our local businesses and industries? And how can we make sure that...

116. The Future of Education is Individual with Paolo DeMaria
When you think about learning, it’s important to remember that each classroom – or wherever the learning takes place – is made up of a...

115. Our Chance to Rethink Early Education with Colin McGinnis
Colin McGinnis is the CEO of South Side Early Learning, a high-quality early learning school founded in 1922. He’s passionate about early...

114. Hacking the Education System with Jerry Valentine
We’re going to continue our ongoing conversation around entrepreneurship, social enterprise, and how the two relate to the education...

113. A Positive Outlook on Education Reform with Steve Shapiro
Steve Shapiro is a veteran educator of 32 years. He has taught sixth grade through graduate school, primarily as a high school teacher...

112. The Future of Media in Education at WOSU with Amy Palermo
Today we’re talking about the WOSU classroom. WOSU is a public media station that hosts everything from radio stations, to TV stations,...

111. Changing Education to Meet a Changing World with Doug Schachtel of Portfolio School
Is traditional education about learning to be a successful, well-rounded human, or just about getting good at school itself? Doug...

110. Driving Interest & Access to Technology in Education with Lisa Chambers of TECH CORPS
Lisa M. Chambers has more than 20 years of experience building cross-sector, strategic alliances and developing nationally and award...

109. Exploring Creative Education with Saeed Arida, Siena Jekel, Anara Magavi & Luca Rudenstine
Today, we go into detail on an innovative education program, NuVu Studio, a full time innovation school based in Cambridge,...

108. Doing the Impossible & Changing Mindsets Through Reading with Rana Dajani
Rana Dajani is a worldwide advocate, and research scientist. She holds a PhD in molecular cell biology, has received many accolades and...

107. Engaging Students Through Progressive Education with Tim O’Connor & Sarah Giles
We’re continuing our conversation on the ideologies of progressive education and how to put them into practice. We’ve talked about the...
106. Entrepreneurship & Startup Culture for Transformation with Jasmine De Gaia & Kristy C
We continue our conversation on digital transformation, this time focusing on growing startups and fostering entrepreneurship as a...

104. Decolonization & Spreading Knowledge of Native Cultures at the Burke Museum | with Alvin L
Dr. Alvin Logan, Jr. is the Director of Education and Affiliate Curator of African Culture and Education at the Burke Museum of Natural...

103. The Mission of Outdoor Education with Carmen DeLeon & Leslie Dorsey
Outdoor science education is an essential part of any child’s education. It offers them a real, tangible reference point for their future...

102. Evolving Education in Ireland with Elaine Higgins, Alice D’Arcy & Mark King
Alice D’Arcy has been involved in STEAM Education Ltd. since it was founded in 2014 and now serves as its Managing Director. She’s...

101 | The Student Experience at PAST with Melissa Olvera, Swathi Vudatala, Caleb Buaful, Josiah Nahh
Today, we have a Learning Unboxed takeover. One of our internal colleagues, Javier Cruz, is going to be controlling the host’s mic to...

100. Unboxing 100 Episodes of Learning Unboxed with Annalies Corbin and Rich Rosen
PAST’s podcast passion project, Learning Unboxed, has reached the 100 episode milestone! To commemorate, we thought we’d turn the mic...
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